Thursday, November 30, 2006

"Hay!!! duele el Coco y ya ni se donde ando"...volteaba Pedro hacia arriba viendo a una extraña creatura gritar al aire y tocar una telaraña ..."Si, ahi es donde rebote, que telaraña tan dura." la superficie donde reposaba Pedro era tersa y suave muy diferente que todas las plantas y insectos en donde antes habitaba. Pedro se sentia solo recordando a su primer casa donde vio por primera vez y sintio los calidos rayos del sol. "Como estoy harto de tanta agua, plantas verde y mohosas.....espero poder quedarme aqui un tiempo." recordaba aquel dia en que de repente le taparon el sol y fue apresado entre dos capas de hule y por muchos dias veia luz y no veia luz. Cuando no veia luz era lo peor al sentir como lo presionaba el hule contra el piso. Aire y dolor, aire y dolor...por muchos dias. "bueno, minimo ahora estoy bien....mmmm, que agusto"
De repente se escucho una voz gigante "Aaa, aqui esta la pinche piedra!"...le taparon la luz otra vez, lo apresaron entre algo calientito y "AAAHHHHHHHH....."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The rock that almost hit my head at an alrming velocity had lain peacefuly on the grass for days upon days and countless nights. It saw the sun ski across the sky brushed by speeding cirrus cluds many times over. And then the stars and sometimes the moon taking their quick peek at the highway, endless red streamers swimming across it like neon lights. The heavy duty city mower drove over it with the reckless abandon typical of the big machines used by scruff men eager for five. It missed the drivers side window by four inches. It smashed into the quarter window of my hatch back, two centimeters above the '4' on the 240 SX logo. The broken safety glass quietly but continuosly split and cracked the rest of the way home. It reminded me of the comfortable groaning of ice between your molars. I'm glad that rock didn't hit my head. The sound of it hiting the car was deafening.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Samantha & Tita

New at this.

Testing, testing. Ahem... Will the owner of a white Miata please move his/her car from the front of the building? A tour bus full of old people needs to park by the entrance. That is all.